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This page gives an overview of all sorceress functions and methods.



























This function process image to generate optical illusion about chromatic adaptation. After a fixation of the center, gray scale image will perceived as a colorful.

Fast spatial tuning in chromatic adaptation is possible as a possible sensory mechanism for linking color constancy to the spatial structure of a scene.

    This function is used to convert an image to chromatic image.
    :param img: input image
    :param circle: a center fixation
    :param method: "CMCCAT2000" or "Von Kries"
    :param gif: export as gif
    :param Gifduration: duration of the gif
    :param XYZ_w, XYZ_wr, L_A: chromatic adaptation parameters (has default values)


An optical illusion mainly affected by lateral inhibition.

    This function is used to create a dotill image.
    :param dimension: width and height of the image
    :param hlinefreq: horizontal line frequency
    :param wlinefreq: vertical line frequency
    :param dotcolor: color of the dot
    :param dotradius: radius of the dot
    :param horizontalcolor: horizontal line color
    :param verticalcolor: vertical line color
    :param horizontalthickness: horizontal line thickness
    :param verticalthickness: vertical line thickness
    :param verticallines: if True, vertical lines are drawn
    :param horizontallines: if True, horizontal lines are drawn


perceive black and white real time (with webcam) frames as colorful.

    """ realtimegrid is a function that add grids to the gray frame.
        :param realcolours: if True, real colours (colors that correspond to the frame) are added to frame.


An optical illusion about lightness perception.

    Creates an optical illusion from the Dakin and Bex, 2003 paper.
    :param outputname: output name
    :param dimension: dimension of the image
    :param black: line color1 (default is black)
    :param white: line color2 (default is white)
    :param bg_color: background color (default is gray)


An optical illusion created by Belgian psychologist Joseph Remi Leopold Delbœuf in 1865

    Creates an optical illusion from the Joseph Remi Leopold Delbœuf (1865).
    :param outputname: output name
    :param circleColor: color of the circle
    :param kill: if true, the illusion will be destroyed by the lines


A famous optical illusion created by Gaetano Kanizsa.

    Creates an optical illusion from the Gaetano Kanizsa.
    :param outputname: output name
    :param dims: dimension of the image
    :param circleColor: color of the circle
    :param bgcolor: color of the background


An optical illusion created by Bruno et al. (1997) that used in an interesting experiment.

    Creates an optical illusion from the Bruno et al. (1997).
    :param outputname: output name
    :param circle: if true, a circle is drawn instead of a rectangle
    :param polycolor: color of the polygon
    :param rectcolor: color of the rectangle
    :param circColor: color of the circle


An optical illusion about the spatial frequency. ccob stands for "Craik–Cornsweet–O'Brien" and is commonly called as CCOB effect.

    Creates an optical illusion about Spatial Frequency.
    :param image: input image
    :param rms: desired root mean square
    :param amplitudespectrum: amplitude spectrum
    :param plttitle: output name
    :param figs: figure size of the output (it will multiply by 1000)


An old school optical illlusion described by the Ponzo, 1912.

    Creates an optical illusion from Ponzo, 1912.
    :param outputname: output name
    :param kill: if true, the illusion will be destroyed by the lines
    :param line1: color of the first line
    :param line2: color of the second line
    :param rectangle1: color of the first rectangle
    :param rectangle2: color of the second rectangle


When you run this function, you need to select a region of the image with your mouse.Illusion is about the perceving gray eyecolor as a colorful. So for best result, i reccomend you to use a clear profile picture.

    Select the iris on the image with mouse click and returns the illusory eye colour.
    :param img: input image path with extension
    :param alpha: alpha beta and M are the parameters of blending. Play with them to get the best results
    :param luminance and saturation: Don't use values greater than 1 for luminance and saturation
    :param colors: BGR values of the color you want to use for the left half of the image (default is red)

tAki2001 “Coloured ray illusion ” by Akiyoshi Kitaoka (Kitaoka, 2001).

    “Coloured ray illusion ” by Akiyoshi Kitaoka (2001).
    :param outputname: output name
    :param dimension: dimension of the image
    :param circlecolour: color of the circle
    :param circleradius: radius of the circle
    :param bglinecolor: color of the background line
    :param bgcolor: color of the background


Function add lines to the image to create an illusion to see actual photo. I dont sure can we classify this as an optical illusion but I inspired from the Akiyoshi Kitaoka.eyecolour

If you select alphablending==True line colors are much more stable against the luminance change in the background image. It's because in opencv, when you overlay two images or colors the function called addWeighted mixes the colors in very "small tones" but you probably do not even notice. Still, this function which I called alpha blending, is much more stable to luminance change. Use both, in the same way and see what is differs.

Note that this function automatically fits the image of the dimensions. You may encounter some "problems" with the style parameter. For example you may see "horizontal" lines even if you select "vertical". So in that case, try to change your parameters.

There are so many styles. Try them all.

    Adds lines to an image.
    img: input image
    linecolours:  line colours
    alphablending: if False, line colors are much more stable against the luminance change in the background image.
    thickness: line thickness (default=3)
    frequency: line frequency (default=3)
    style: "vertical","horizontal", "diagonal","cross","zigzag","cross","checkerboard", "wave", "wave2", "circles", "rectangles"
    amplitude: wave amplitude (default=1) // only for wave and wave2
    period: wave period (default=15)    // only for wave and wave2
    midpoint: wave midpoint (default=12) // only for wave and wave2


This function creates a geometrical-optical illusion called "cafewall"

    Creates cafe wall illusion.
    :param outputname: output name
    :param dimension: dimension of the image
    :param resize: if true, the image will be adjusted to the dimension
    :param brickcolor: color of the bricks
    :param bgcolor: color of the background


An optical illusion that generated by german psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus.

    Creates ebbinghaus illision .
    :param output: output name
    :param bgcolor: background color
    :param lcradius: left center circle radius
    :param rcradius:  right center circle radius
    :param lcradius2:  left circles radius
    :param rcradius2:  right circles radius
    :param randcirclecolors: circles  have random colors (recommended)


An illusion that has been described by White also about the irradiation effect.

    Optiacal illusion that has been described by White (1979).
    :param dimension: dimension of the image
    :param version2: if True, the second version of the illusion is created
    :param rect1: color of the first rectangle
    :param rect2: color of the second rectangle
    :param bgrec1: background color of the first rectangle
    :param bgrec2: background color of the second rectangle
    :param bg1: background color of the first image
    :param bg2: background color of the second image
    :param outputname: output name



An optical illusion based on the a paper from the Zeki et al (1993) about the motion.

    based on the a paper from the Zeki et al (1993).
    :param linecolors: color of the lines
    :param bgcolor:  background color of the image
    :param circle1: outer circle color
    :param circle2: inner circle color
    :param centercircle: central circle color
    :param outputname: output name


A recent optical illusion that described by the Laeng et al (2022).

    Illusorily Expanding Holes.
    dimensions: dimensions of the image
    circle_size: size of the circles (center ellipse is adjusted with this ratio)
    circle_color: color of the circles
    frequency: frequency of the circles
    shape: "circle" or "rectangle"
    kill: if True, circles are not drawn


This "illusion" was created by artist Øyvind Kolås from GIMP.

    This function applies Color assimilation Grid Illusion.
    :param img: input image
    :param style: style of mask, "vertical","horizontal","gaussian","grids"
    :param width: width of lines
    :param frequency: frequency of lines
    :param saturation: saturation of lines increasing this value will increase the saturation of lines but it will distort the image if it is too high


Parameters for the Munker illusion.

    Creates an image of the Munker illusion.
    dimensions : tuple of ints (width, height) of the image. If you change this you also need to change the thickness and linefrequency. 
    linefrequency : This is the ratio of the horizontal lines to the width of the image, this value is used to calculate the distance between the lines. The default ratio is dimensions[0]/120
    rad_ratio :radius ratio of the circles.
    thickness :thickness of the lines. If you change the dimensions of the image, you may need to change this value as well. Default ratio is dimensions[0]/200
    saturation : saturation of the colors. 1 is full saturation, 0 is no saturation. 
    bgcolor : background color of the image. Default is white. This also will determines of the colors of the all circles


Creates an image of a rectangular munker illusion.

    dimensions : tuple of ints (width, height) of the image.
    ilussory_colors : tuple of ints (r,g,b) of the ilussory colors (left and right rectangles)
    leftstripes : tuple of ints (r,g,b) of the left stripes color.
    rightstripes : tuple of ints (r,g,b) of the right stripes color.
    bgcolor1 : tuple of ints (r,g,b) of the background color of the left rectangle.
    bgcolor2 : tuple of ints (r,g,b) of the background color of the right rectangle.


Parameters for the face paredolia effect

    dimensions : tuple of ints (width, height) of the image. This version is optimized for square images.
    bg : tuple of ints (r,g,b) of the background color. Default is white.
    emotion : string of the emotion of the face. Options are happy an sad. Default is happy.


Creates an image of a grids and dots pattern.
    dimensions : tuple of ints (width, height) of the image. This version is optimized for only 340x640 images.
    line_width : int of the width of the lines. Default is 5
    line_color : tuple of ints (r,g,b) of the line color. Default is gray.
    fill_color : tuple of ints (r,g,b) of the fill color. Default is white.

spirals Creates a confetti illusion.

    dimensions : tuple of ints (width, height) of the image.

negate_image Negates an image.

    Negates an image.
    input_file : string of the input file path.
    negation_method : string of the negation method ('subtract', 'bitwise_not', 'subtract_hsv')
    color_space : string of the color space. ('hsv', 'gray', 'bgr')
    output_quality : int of the output quality.

footsteps Creates an animation of a footsteps illusion. This animation uses pygame.

    speed : int of the speed of the animation.
    strip_width : int of the width of the strips.
    block_width : int of the width of the blocks.
    block_height : int of the height of the blocks.
    y_yellow : int of the y coordinate of the yellow block.
    y_blue : int of the y coordinate of the blue block.
    canvas_height : int of the height of the canvas (window).
    canvas_width : int of the width of the canvas (window).